Dr Spirituality Daily Practical Practices and Spiritual Health
Artist Exploring the Subconscious Mind through Insights, technology, and Art. Focusing on AI creations, Daily Practical Practices and Spiritual Health
Artist Exploring the Subconscious Mind through Insights, technology, and Art. Focusing on AI creations, Daily Practical Practices and Spiritual Health
You have been brought here for a reason. To know yourself is a lifetime journey. Everything you desire, all the answers, all the love, all the knowledge is waiting for you—all you have to do is quiet your mind and ask. All these answers await your voice. All the answers are within you. All you have to do is connect to the divine within you. We offer that guidance. The Temple of Divine Reason is a practice, it is not judgment, nor is it dogma. You are born perfect. There is no sin you are born into.
“Turns of the screw,” refers to each time our sacred spirit goes from the other side into this physical world. There are very, very old souls, scared spirits, and younger ones. This cosmos is the manifestation of consciousness, and there are almost endless turns of the screw. Our sacred spirits exist beyond time. Our sacred spirit goes on another side when our physical body dies. And then it waits to be born again into another physical body.
LOVE wants you to know that you are born perfect in every way. You are a perfect sacred spirit that has been born into this world. However, a supernatural ring is waiting for you that only works for you. You must find the mightiest tree and widdle down all that is not you until you extract this ring. It will only work for you. It is waiting for you. But there is work to be done. First, you must remove all the excess accumulated over trillions of lifetimes.